Headlines scream it, marketers cash in on it, even employers are making a to-do about it. Americans need to lose weight. Robert Ancill, CEO of Food Consultancy The Next Idea, says: “Here’s the skinny: From 1980 to 2004, the rate of obesity doubled in the United States. Over the 2005–2006 period, more than a third of the U.S. population was obese, which translates into more than 72 million Americans struggling with significant weight problems, according to the National Center for Health Statistics”.
What is worse - The number of overweight school-age children in the United States has increased more than 60 percent since 1988.
Ancill says: “The problem is just getting worse not better, it is imperative that all Food outlets begin to understand their responsibility in providing products that have health attributes as opposed to just a healthy profit margin!
The Next Idea (www.thenextidea.net) is a Retail Food and Restaurant Consultancy committed to improving the quality and Healthfullness of the products available to the US Consumer.
For More Information Please View : http://www.thenextidea.net