Saturday, March 29, 2008

Why are we hearing so much about obesity?

Headlines scream it, marketers cash in on it, even employers are making a to-do about it. Americans need to lose weight. Robert Ancill, CEO of Food Consultancy The Next Idea, says: “Here’s the skinny: From 1980 to 2004, the rate of obesity doubled in the United States. Over the 2005–2006 period, more than a third of the U.S. population was obese, which translates into more than 72 million Americans struggling with significant weight problems, according to the National Center for Health Statistics”.


What is worse - The number of overweight school-age children in the United States has increased more than 60 percent since 1988.

Ancill says: “The problem is just getting worse not better, it is imperative that all Food outlets begin to understand their responsibility in providing products that have health attributes as opposed to just a healthy profit margin!

The Next Idea ( is a Retail Food and Restaurant Consultancy committed to improving the quality and Healthfullness of the products available to the US Consumer.

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Friday, March 28, 2008

Free-Range Eggs - Are they worth it?

Robert Ancill, CEO of Food Retail Consultancy, The Next Idea reports: If you have purchased a dozen eggs lately, you might have been a bit flummoxed when trying to decide whether to put out more of your hard-earned cash for the free-range variety. How do you know if paying the extra price for this “boutique” variety of eggs is worth it?


First, you have to understand just what the term free-range means, and that its definition can be a matter of perspective. Warning: It’s not all that simple. According to Mother Earth News, true free-range chickens eat a natural chicken’s diet that includes “all kinds of seeds, green plants, insects and worms, usually along with grain or laying mash.” True free-range chickens also spend time out of doors walking around and foraging—something factory farm birds can’t do. In addition, factory farm birds are usually fed cheap mixtures of corn, soy, and cottonseed meals with additives. Here’s the confusing part: The USDA defines free range as birds merely having access to the outdoors. Some manufacturers are taking advantage of this definition by leaving tiny doors open on huge sheds, which in turn leaves the door open for the manufacturers to label their eggs as “free range.” So what’s a consumer to do?

Ancill says, “Know what you’re getting for your money”. According to Mother Earth News–sponsored tests, free-range chickens produce eggs of superior nutritional value as compared to eggs from factory hens. In addition, when compared to the official USDA nutrient data for commercial eggs, the eggs from free-range chickens contained up to :

  • Two-thirds more vitamin A
  • Double the omega-3 fatty acids
  • Triple the vitamin E
  • Seven times more beta-carotene
  • One-third less cholesterol
  • One-quarter less saturated fat

To find out the names of reliable sellers of eggs from pasture-raised hens in your area, check out or

The Next Idea ( is a Retail Food and Restaurant Consultancy committed to improving the quality and Healthfulness of the products available to the US Consumer.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Healthy Diet – Key requirement for a Healthy Body and Mind

Importance of Health

“Health is Wealth” – This is a very well said proverb, universal truth for every person living anywhere in the world irrespective of any factors. Even in this damn economic world people are aware with the benefits of a healthy body and mind. They care for their health more than earlier days. Nutrition is among key priorities for elderly, young and kids.


Need for Healthy Diet

For a good health, you need to have healthy and nutritious diet, that too on time regularly. A good diet is important for good health. A healthy and nutritious diet can help to maintain a healthy body weight and reduce the risk of a number of diseases including heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis or malnutrition.

What is Healthy Diet

A balance and healthy diet consists of all required components essential for body. A diet based on cereals, breads, potatoes, fruits and vegetables is a healthy and balanced diet. That also includes limited amounts of dairy products (like milk, butter, cheese and curd), meat, and limited amount of fat or sugar ingredients.

No single food can provide all the essential nutrients that the body needs. Therefore, it is important to consume a wide variety of foods to provide adequate intakes of vitamins, minerals and dietary fibre, which are important for health. When fresh fruits and vegetables are unavailable, canned goods can be a healthy alternative to fulfill the need for adequate intake.

Guidelines for a healthy diet:

  1. Eat a variety of different foods, several times a day
  2. Follow principle of light and frequent eating policy
  3. Eat plenty of foods rich in starch and fibre
  4. Eat plenty of fresh fruit and green vegetables
  5. Avoid food with high fat ratio
  6. Limit food and drinks with sugar too often
  7. If you are a drinker, drink alcohol sensibly
  8. Drink sufficient amount of water several times a day
  9. Limit excess intake of coffee and tea

If you follow above guidelines, and take care of your healthy diet needs, you’ll reduce your chances of being ill or malnutrition. Remember a healthy and peaceful mind resides inside a healthy body. So, keep yourself healthy and full your life with yours and your loved one’s cheers.

For More Information: