Thursday, August 29, 2013

Consumer Evolution for Organic and Natural continues in America

The benefits of using organic and natural food has been highlighted through published research analysis where the continuous evolution of the consumer market in organic and natural in America has been substantiated. It is through these reports that we find that consumers are still in favor of using organic and natural as compared to the counterparts which are processed in a conventional way. Consumers have been disillusioned on choosing conventional products only for reasons of health safety and although some questions still remains about the authenticity of the organic and natural, people in America are still inclined more on these produce.    

The whole idea of these researches is to highlight the recent trends of usage of organic and natural providing a cue to the future trends to be followed as well. These reports are enriched with insights that provide ample proof as to why consumers are interested and will be in the near future on natural and organic. Extensive areas of exploration of these researches bring forth the undeniable fact about the benefits of using this kind of food not only for their nutritional values but also for reasons beyond that.

Restaurant consultants suggests that organic substances are free of negatives like pesticides, antibiotics and herbicides for which reasons consumers opt for these products rather than rely on processed food. In spite of big companies entering the market in manufacturing organic produce, there has been a lot of skepticism about the true value of these products. A recent survey reveals that consumers are ready to pay a premium provided they are convinced about the product being genuine, as compared to previous days when buyers were reluctant to buy organic at a high price knowing full well of its nutritional value.

Natural products are real and simple foods which are no lesser in nutritional value than organic ones, but just a product being branded as natural does not substantiate its authenticity. This has led to many speculations among consumers who are often found in dubious mind on whether to purchase organic and natural. In days to come it is being predicted that more and more produce manufactured by local farmers will pave the way for consumers to be totally convinced about the organic and natural quality of any product which are included among their daily list of consumption.

Surveys also predict that in near future retailers will diminish in numbers, leaving local producers to take their place. Reposing faith on branded products labeled as organic and natural is gradually on the decline with distrust on corporate and government sectors in food processing becoming stronger. Although the FDA has enforced strict regulations on labeling of organic foods, branded products are failing to generate significant level of trust. Days are in the offing when labels of local producers will be as preferred as the branded ones only due to the trust and belief that local produce are free of any kind of health threats.

It is very clear that organic and natural foods will help in restaurant marketing to great extent. Also it is believed that these organic and natural are going to make an ever increasing market due to the continuity of the consumer evolution for organic and natural.

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Friday, August 16, 2013

Turning the Clock Back With the Farm to Table Movement

There’s no better example than the rise of the farm to table movement to prove that the world is indeed round. As the reality of global warming and climate change hits home, weno longer want to be responsible for food on the table that comes with a big helping of carbon emissions – as in frozen foods shipped across the country or even across the oceans. People now want organic and sustainably grown produce that is grown in nearby farms, if not in their own backyard.


Until the early 20th century, most of the food purchased and consumed was grown locally, within a radius of 50 miles or so. Then urbanization, technology advances and globalization shifted the balance from rural farms and the growers to large retailers who could ship in fruits and frozen foods from anywhere in the world. It killed small farmers and hastened up the growth of mega cities with massive transportation hubs and infrastructure.

Ironically, it was the all the Co2 emissions from these vehicles, ships and planes carrying food and other goods from one place to another that are largely responsible for global warming, which in turn led worried consumers to turn the clock back and prefer locally grown food. This has resulted in the rise of movements such as Farm to Table, Slow Food, Local Food, Sustainable Farming, Organic Food, etc.

The Farm to Table movement encourages restaurants to buy their produce directly from local farms and farmers markets, cutting out the big-city distributors and traders from the equation. In fact, many participating restaurants have their own farms and gardens so that customers receive fresh produce and herbs that elevate flavorover dishes prepared using frozen foods.

One of the first such restaurants which adhered to the principles of the Farm to Table movement was Chez Panisse in Berkeley, CA. There are now dozens of such restaurants in every major city in the U.S. This has led to systemic changes in the way food is prepared and served in these restaurants, and has also triggered a growing realignment of local economies.

Chefs in Food to Table restaurants are moving towards menus that favor healthy and traditional dishes prepared simply without extracting  the nutrients, over-cooking, or using artificial flavoring and other additives. It fits in perfectly into the natural order of things, given the health attributes, local economy and the environment. Even the White House is on the action, with the White House Kitchen Garden and the White House Honey Ale, which is brewed in the White House itself.

The economic possibilities are also just as compelling. Local farms are back in business, generating string revenues and creating jobs. This is just the top of the local food iceberg; especially given most of America’s metro areas still don’t grow more than two percent of their own food consumption.

Culinary experts and Restaurant Consultants, The Next Idea, reported that 30% of their new concepts include a large farm to table element. Also, the Next Idea predicts that this movement while still in its infancy, will become mainstream over the next five to ten years as consumers latch on to the health and local benefits.
 As America’s food dynamics change – we will see better quality food available at all levels of the market – this means that the consumer will benefit.

For information about The Next Idea Restaurant and Food Consultants, email: or call 818 887 7714

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